The Unofficial Fan Site Of The Roswell Autopsy Footage

The Ufo crash at Roswell is the undisputed king of pop-culture phenomena. At it's best a parade of third party he-said-she said testimony, and government incompetance, Roswell has fired the imagination of researchers and UFO believers alike. All culminating into a suppostion constructed of innuendo and paranoia; Aliens have crashed on earth, the government has recovered crafts and bodies, and an incredible program to deceive the public has been in operation for almost fifty years!

In late 1995, FOX TV released the special 'An Alien Autopsy: Fact Or Fiction'. Just about everybody has seen this show already, (Links are provided for the un-initiated), which purports to show the autopsy of an alien recovered from the Roswell Ufo recovery. This film caused such a stir that many prominent figures in UFOLOGY were prompted to comment before the footage was even aired! Many of the comments, (meant to protect UFOLOGY from [sic] harm induced by a possible hoax), were nakedly innacurate, inadvertantly lending credibility to the film!

Whether it is real or a hoax, the footage has etched itself into the mantle of ufology as one of the most important events in the history of this charged debate. The footage has lent believability to the Roswell mythology invented by guys like Stanton Friedman, Kevin Randle, and William Moore, and fueled the international interest in the case. How? by legitimizing the fact that enough people believe the cover-up occurred that could also believe this footage to be true!

In the coming weeks I will be posting several illustrated essays on the ufo 'industry' (not the science), as well as the gross mishandling of the Roswell incident. Stay tuned!

The Girl From Roswell FAQ.
Links to images, info, and other fun stuff.
Debunkers Goofs And Blunders
Bob Shell Interview
Hoax Of A Hoax?
Check Into the Guestbook!

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